• Pool
  • Meeresblick
  • Zugang zum Meer
  • Gästehaus
  • Aufzug
  • Stellplatz/Garage


M2 Wohnfläche.


M2 Grundstück


1.800.000 Eur


Bundesland Mallorca
Zone Soller
Typ Solar urbano
Referenz 11059
M2 Wohnfläche.
M2 Grundstück 5041



Tel. +34 659 075 326

Plaza Rector Rubi, 6


Tel. +34 605 729 448

Carrer Del Prat, 1(Esquina Avda. Sol Naixent)

Condiciones Generales
Disponibilidad a acordar. Los datos expuestos son ofrecidos por terceros, meramente informativos y se suponen correctos.

Nuestra empresa no garantiza su veracidad.

La oferta se sujeta a errores, cambios de precio, omisión y/o retirada del mercado sin aviso previo.

Los gastos de transmisión patrimonial, IVA, notario y registro corren a cargo del comprador.

Siguiendo la normativa española los gastos de honorarios corren a cargo del vendedor.

Les informamos que los datos personales obtenidos mediante este formulario, así como su dirección de correo electrónico, han sido incorporados en un fichero del cual BLAU MALLORCA, S.L., C.I.F. B57866782 es el responsable, con la finalidad de atender sus consultas y enviarle información relacionada con la entidad que pudiera ser de su interés.

BLAU MALLORCA S.L., C.I.F. B57866782 se compromete a usar los datos recogidos mediante este formulario, únicamente para la finalidad anterior mencionada.

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Availability upon agreement.

Our company does not accept responsibility as the information provided in this brochure is for information only and it is subject to errors, omissions, change of price or withdrawal without notice.

Taxes, notary and registry fees must be paid by purchaser,

the commission to Blau Mallorca S.l must be paid by the seller as stipulated by Spanish regulations.

We inform you that personal data obtained through this form and your email address, have been incorporated into a file which BLAU MALLORCA, S.L., C.I.F B57866782 is responsible, in order to answer your enqueries and send information related to the entity that could be of interest.

BLAU MALLORCA S.L., C.I.F B57866782 undertakes to use the data collected through this form only for the above mentioned purpose.

The states concerned have knowledge of the destination and use of personal data collected by reading this clause.

Sending this e-mail constitutes acceptance of the terms above. If you wish to exercise rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition in the terms established in the Organic Law 15/1999, you can do so at the following address: BLAU MALLORCA S.U. Plaza Rector Rubi, 6, 07500, Manacor, Mallorca.